
above picture:”What the handpuppet saw”) (originally posted 2/19/2009) I’m just composing this one ‘on the fly’ right now, at the ole SFPL, but I just found myself pondering some strange thoughts just now, so here I will try making sense of them. Ever since I was a very small child I could sense something above …

Blast off with Captain Acid!

(Originally posted 8/15/11) I used to do a lot of hallucinogens years when they were more readily available. Actually it is misleading for me to say I took a ‘lot’, actually I only did them once in a blue moon. I suppose the experiences can be so intense that they leave a very strong impression …

“Let me in, you MONKEY!”

It’s a shame I have to write all this out again. I wrote rather extensively about these experiences years ago, but, due to all the chaos in my life because of that damnable show I’ve started new emails and left behind old internet accounts and blogs, and, assuming they’re still up I no longer know …

Acid Zombie Heads

A weird thought, almost, but not quite, a delusion I had while blazed at school during lunch period in the 11th or 12th grade.I noticed all the kids jumping down from the bleachers and running away through the athletic field during lunch break.In my mind’s eye I envisioned something like above was the cause of …

Lost in Confusion Jungle

One time I was hanging out at school with my loser friends, fried on acid, and we decided to ditch school and go to “the jungle”, which, as I recall, was a fenced off area around the wash. We called it that because it was full of dense vegetation, and really did resemble an actual …

A Hallucination of Spiders

I guess most people would just wait up till the acid wore off, but since I was still under-age and living at home I had to keep up appearances so as to avoid suspicion as much as possible, so I had to keep a somewhat regular schedule. This involved going to bed at a certain …

My 2nd Psychedelic Experience

I was 17 at the time. My first trip was very jolly and cartoony, but this time it was much heavier and more serious, even kind of depressing. LSD lasts at least 8 hours, so I was still blazed when I went to bed. In the dark I saw hundreds of midcentury modern style neon …

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