Monster Milk

When I was a small child, I can’t remember how old exactly, anywhere from 3-5, probably 4, I didn’t have any siblings or very many friends, so I was left to amuse myself most of the time. This, of course, was before DVDs and VCRs, and there usually wasn’t much children’s programming on television most …

The Evil that (rich) Men do

This is really too bad. It certainly doesn’t bode well for the future of humanity. I have a very bad feeling about the effects ai will have on our future. Bad enough, it will put commercial artists out of business, but all art affects the popular culture. Sure, it’s molded by it too, it’s all …

Shooting Stars Shooting Up

Open up and run over the edges confront your whole scene headlights wide and bright. Shine and let your shafts fly in all directions proud Stabbing all who offend you with afflictions from on high just stop sinking as the river flows over you. Dart back into the jet stream with groovy flows and twists. …

Endless Eternity in an Empty Void

The shadow of a man’s hand appeared over her face and the stones wept. The ants sang as they marched single file over her nude torso. The dead must have their eyes closed and be covered with a sheet It’s only right that they should seem to be merely sleeping. Coffin made up like a …

Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil 1/2

I’ve before compared being slandered and exploited by a media campaign that is kept secret from you to living in the eye of a hurricane. Despite seeing the craziness all around you people pretty much leave you alone. I would now like to amend that statement as it’s not entirely true. The truth is that …

“Let me in, you MONKEY!”

It’s a shame I have to write all this out again. I wrote rather extensively about these experiences years ago, but, due to all the chaos in my life because of that damnable show I’ve started new emails and left behind old internet accounts and blogs, and, assuming they’re still up I no longer know …

Acid Zombie Heads

A weird thought, almost, but not quite, a delusion I had while blazed at school during lunch period in the 11th or 12th grade.I noticed all the kids jumping down from the bleachers and running away through the athletic field during lunch break.In my mind’s eye I envisioned something like above was the cause of …

Lost in Confusion Jungle

One time I was hanging out at school with my loser friends, fried on acid, and we decided to ditch school and go to “the jungle”, which, as I recall, was a fenced off area around the wash. We called it that because it was full of dense vegetation, and really did resemble an actual …

A Hallucination of Spiders

I guess most people would just wait up till the acid wore off, but since I was still under-age and living at home I had to keep up appearances so as to avoid suspicion as much as possible, so I had to keep a somewhat regular schedule. This involved going to bed at a certain …

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