Old Interview with me (SickJunior)

As with a lot of my older stuff pertaining to that criminal show, I find much about the following a little embarrassing in light of what I have learned since I first found out about it, but please keep in mind that this is no small thing. In fact, learning the truth about what has …


above picture:”What the handpuppet saw”) (originally posted 2/19/2009) I’m just composing this one ‘on the fly’ right now, at the ole SFPL, but I just found myself pondering some strange thoughts just now, so here I will try making sense of them. Ever since I was a very small child I could sense something above …

Googie architecture and Car Culture

A drive in restaurant. The automobile , although it quickly became an indispensable part of American culture, was still something of a novelty to most people who could now afford to buy one for every member of the family. All kinds of drive in establishments sprang up so people seldom had to leave the comfort …

The Angry Mr. Lint

(9/12/2011) Above is a drawing of this ‘instructor’ that I drew on L.S.D. in the 11th grade. I took artistic license for this composition and gave him fingers and ears, fingers, so I that could portray him making a fist. Using either your intuition, or your analytical mind, it would be a reasonable conclusion to …

Blast off with Captain Acid!

(Originally posted 8/15/11) I used to do a lot of hallucinogens years when they were more readily available. Actually it is misleading for me to say I took a ‘lot’, actually I only did them once in a blue moon. I suppose the experiences can be so intense that they leave a very strong impression …

Roger, the ultimate Lightweight…

I used to know this guy named Roger. He was a genuinely evil guy, but he was also very funny, which actually made him even more dangerous because he was pretty entertaining, and you know how people let their guard down when they’re amused. Anyway, he was not only funny in that he was humorous, …

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