This was young Charles Bukowski’s battle cry, his Tarzan yodel letting all the predators and savages that prowl and skulk through the foliage of the literary jungle, as well as the world at large, that he was a person of note, a force to be reckoned with. By this announcement, he was informing the world …

My old high school friend, Douglas Robertson:

“This is not anger,its RIGHTEOUSNESS!”-Douglas Robertson When I was in high school, 1980, in the 10th grade, I met this senior student in art class. This guy was definitely an odd bird, a unique individual. Actually I’m not sure he even belonged in public school because he was a schizophrenic. Maybe they had determined it …

See You on the Rosey Edge of Dawn

Every time you puff a cigarette the vulture looks at you.“I’m so hungry I could eat a cow!”, said the bull.“Oh goody!” sez the Devil every time a sinner kicks the old well dented bucket.IDEA: Men’s shorts with genital pattern prints on them.IDEA: ventriloquist throwing his farts into other people’s asses. I came home from …

The Hope of Despair

“Several persons have died during the last year who never died before!”, declared the newspaper headline of the tacky colored Sunday edition which sat on the depressingly littered table by the small window which afforded a panoramic view of a large brick wall opposite. The telephone was ringing insistently as the tired looking man sitting …

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