Daddy Dinosaur Dick


So- So I’ll be hornswaggled here we go again. Time to immortalize and magnify all of my mundane activities and observations. Only this time puh-leeeeeze spare us the drolleries RAWN.

Would you like to help the homeless today?

Would you like to help the homeless today?

Would you like to help the homeless today?

Would you like to help the homeless today?

How annoying. I don’t know how much more of this I can take.

Light, shadow, substance, space.

Shopping carts dragging these fat little people around, sucking the items off of the shelves into the basket- money whisked out of pockets into cash registers, customers ejected into the parking lots screaming- the cars inhale them and rush them home catapulting them out into the driveway- the groceries clinging to their arms- houses then drink them in as they hysterically heave with terror- the trees laugh deeply and distortedly as bushes twitter with childish giggles.

On the windows we can see expressionist shadows painted angrily across the shades as if by some suicidal hand- figures dripping in black and grey- force fed- choking- the food tears through their guts, they urinate and defecate burning acidic excretions all over themselves.

In a shed in the back she sits on a box with a picture of a chair on it, whenever anyone approaches her her parasites run barking out of cracks and crevasses on her body baring their fangs, their antennae thrashing about violently. Her eyes crack open like exploding windows and all the little parasites run whining back into their hiding places. Her feet have grass growing on her soles. There are clouds and stars entwined in her jungley hair. Her hands are made for tools our minds can not even visualize. She can reach in and out of several dimensions and do things that would drive us stark staring mad to even contemplate.

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