the Latest Injury Drama

I guess it was a week or so ago, I suffered an unfortunate kitchen mishap. I was making my morning coffee and I accidentally dumped a huge pot of boiling hot water on my bare foot.

First off, so I don’t look like a complete and utter idiot, allow me to explain some of the background that made this minor disaster possible:

The day before, while boiling water in the smaller pot with a plastic handle that I usually use, I got caught up in something that distracted my attention. I didn’t remember I had put the water on to boil till I began smelling something burning some time later, and by that time all the water had boiled away and the bottom of the pot got absolutely fried. It was a really cheap pot to begin with, so it was totally ruined. When it came time to make coffee again, I had to use one of my much larger pots, which has metal handles. When I went to pick up the boiling water this time, the handles were too hot to hold comfortably, so I tried to use my dishtowel to pick up the pot, only it wasn’t really the perfect size to do so easily, so when I was trying to pour the water through the coffee filter into the cup the pot got away from me and escaped my grasp, dumping the entirely of its scalding hot contents directly onto my bare foot and splashing up on my legs. I immediately emitted a cry that sounded just like the loudest angry chimpanzee scream you’ve ever heard, and started jumping around like a flaming madman.

I’m sure I must have awaked my neighbors, as it was two or three in the morning, and it literally sounded like someone was getting murdered in here. Of course, as I’ve noticed is often the case in the aftermath of serious disasters, I found my mind focusing on trivial marginalia rather than the much more serious matter of the injury I had just sustained. I was worried about neighbors knocking on my door or calling the police in response to my horrible and painful howl, which, in hindsight, was silly considering I live in a diverse, low-trust dystopia, so even if my yell did wake anyone up, no one would care enough to investigate or send help. What I was most upset about at the time was the fact that my entire kitchen floor was under a quarter inch of water. Surprisingly I wasn’t in very much pain just then, probably due to the shock, so I got out my mop and bucket and did my best dealing with the spilled water.

Good thing I got done right away because the pain started shortly, and boy, did it hurt. I went online and researched burns, and, according to Google burns resultant from boiling water are only first degree burns, which aren’t generally considered very serious, but, again I’m not sure if they had the magnitude of an entire cauldron of scalding hot water poured onto a bare foot in mind when they made this general diagnosis. They said it would hurt for a few hours, then feel okay. Well, It did hurt like hell for two or three hours, and yes, then it felt okay, unless, that is, I wanted to walk on it. Actually, it didn’t hurt all that much the rest of the day and the next, and I was able to limp around with relative ease, but after that it was rather painful to stand on it at all. Naturally the top of my foot was badly blistered and great pieces of skin had come off, so it was incredibly tender and sensitive, so much so that whenever I stood up the increase of blood pressure there from the blood rushing down to my feet was more painful than I could easily ignore. This left me housebound for a spell since not only was it painful to walk, putting my shoes on and wearing them would have been a bit of a hardship, especially since they fit rather snug. Fortunately, I had a stockpile of canned food on the premises, so I was okay.

My left foot looked like something that had gone through a meat grinder for a while, but I’m doing better now. I mean, it feels much better though it’s still something of a horror show considering now it’s covered with dried, flaking skin like a sunburn, and it’s scabbing up.

Anyway, just thought I’d share all that with you!


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