Everyday Cruelties

I committed a tiny. little murder this morning I’m proud/sorry to say.
I woke up out of bed, wandered into the kitchen only to find an evil grey spider crouched, brooding in the sink. A big monstrosity swollen with venom and loathing. His skin was soft and smooth, his abdomen plump and bulging, his legs long and gnarled like witch’s fingers.
Funny thing, too, when it walked it extended it’s left, front foreleg erect as if in a Roman salute saying, “Caesar we who are about to die salute you!”

Well, I stood there half asleep dumping splashes of water down on him in groggy playfulness for thirty seconds or so. I even washed him down the sink once, but he just walked right back out again as a smug matter of course. “I will not stand such arrogant defiance!” I said to myself as I quickly went and got the coffeepot off the burner and proceeded to pour down torrents of scalding hot coffee down upon him, so hot, in fact, that the boiling current washed his legs off his thorax and bubbled the skin off his wicked little body.
Ahhh, a little murder before breakfast- there’s really no other way to start the day!

I didn’t really get much sleep last night- yet I can’t honestly say I feel one bit tired!
Yesterday I totally overslept and contrary to my usual wont under such a circumstance, felt as lively and alert as anyone could wish.
The way I see it, yesterday I must have borrowed on tomorrow’s sleep.

Oh man, I better stop here- I can’t word what I want to say- those damn soap operas in the living room are distracting me and stirring my thoughts up so they won’t coagulate properly. Besides, I need to get ready for work even though I don’t feel like going- and having gone and returned, I wont feel like having went- but no use griping- it’s already done! All I need to do now is experience it and then forget all about it.

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